Every Frickin' Joke
On The Rag
- Category: Just Plain Funny
- Hits: 2684
What did one tampon say to the other?
Nothing. They were both stuck up bitches.
Keeping It In The Family
- Category: Dick Jokes
- Hits: 2488
How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
Kick his sister in the jaw.
All Sinners Must Come And Confess
- Category: Dick Jokes
- Hits: 2375
What's the difference between sin and shame?
It's a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out.
Anyone Like Parsley? Uhhh, Anyone?
- Category: Dick Jokes
- Hits: 2572
How is pubic hair like parsley?
You push it to the side before you start eating.
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