A laugh a day. It's not hard. Seriously.
Hi, I'm Dick Johnson, owner and webmaster of the infamous web site Dick Joke Of The Day.
And yes... that's my real name... NO JOKE!
You don't have to remind me that both my first and last name are a reference to the male organ. I got that. I've had to live with that all my life. And believe me... with a name like Dick Johnson... it's been hard.
But in spite of my unfortunate name, I always believed that I could make something of myself, if only I could just find the right stimulation... and then stick it out.
Then one day I decided to just suck it up. I said: "Dick... get a grip on yourself. Think. What's your best asset?" That's when it hit me... it was my irreverent and irrepressible sense of humor. That was what had gotten me through this far, and that was what could take me to the top... which is where I prefer to be.
High Art... From A Low Place
And so I started Dick Joke Of The Day to share my humor with the world. High art... from a low place. Stop by every day for a new joke. My latest jokes appear every day on the home page along with links to all of my jokes by day and by category. You can also catch a laugh on my Facebook page. And I tweet jokes all day long from @djokeoftheday. So follow me, like me, and have a good laugh on me every day! It's not hard. Seriously.