Every Frickin' Joke
Soon Enough Young Man
- Category: Dick Jokes
- Hits: 2186
Little Johnny in the bathtub points at his dick: "Mommy, is my brain in there?"
"Not yet, sweetie."
A Change of Habit
- Category: Just Plain Funny
- Hits: 2311
Topless babe walks up to 2 guys on the beach wearing Hawaiian shirts. They look her up and down and smile. She smiles back and says: "Hello, Fathers."
One guy asks her: "How did you know we're priests?"
"I'm Sister Mary Kathryn. We take vacations, too."
Let There Be Light
- Category: Just Plain Funny
- Hits: 1878
How many Irishmen does it take to change a light bulb?
Ten. 1 holds the bulb & 9 drink till the room spins.
Not Quite A Cure
- Category: Just Plain Funny
- Hits: 2005
A doctor told his patient her test results came back and she had a rare disease with only 6 months to live.
"That's such a short amount of time." the woman begged, "Isn't there anything I can do?"
"Marry a lawyer," the doctor told her. "It will be the longest six months of your life."
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