Every Frickin' Joke
Musings From George Burns
- Category: Dick Jokes
- Hits: 1944
1st you forget names, then faces. Next it's pulling your zipper up, And finally you forget to pull it down.
Knew It Wouldn't Work
- Category: And that's when the fight started...
- Hits: 1987
My wife suggested we go to a marriage counselor to work on our relationship. I said sure. We get there and the therapist asks me to tell how I felt.
I said: "I knew right from the beginning our marriage wouldn't work. I'm an Aquarius and she's a cunt."
And that's when the fight started...
Won't Be A Starving Artist Much Longer
- Category: Just Plain Funny
- Hits: 1958
Gallery owner: "Guy came in bought all your paintings."
Artist: "Great."
"Not really, he was your doctor."
More Than One Way To Please
- Category: Just Plain Funny
- Hits: 2400
The masochist begs: "Beat me, beat me."
The sadist smiles and says: "Nooooo!"
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